Just Let Me Love You

Just let me love you with all the ugliness you think is within you. Let me love you with all your messiness and uncertainty. Let me do it without you questioning the reasons behind this love. Let me do it without you asking yourself, “Why does she love me?”

Just let me love you without any questions asked. Let me love you with all your crooked and broken pieces. Let me do it with all your unhealed wounds. Let me do it even if you don’t think you deserve it or that you’re worthy of it. Let me do it even if you don’t believe it or understand it. Let me do it despite all your fears and doubts.

Let me love you while you’re on your healing journey. Let me love you while you’re still lost and trying to find your way and calling. Let me love you even if you’re still trying to figure out how to love yourself. Let me do it even when you’re worn out and sick of this life. Let me love you even when you don’t feel so lovable. Let me love you when you’re at your lowest. Let me do it with all your imperfections and flaws — with all your mistakes and past. With all your guilt, stress, and the emotional baggage you carry around. Let me do it despite how difficult you think it is.

Let me love you even when you’re uninspired and unmotivated. Let me do it on the days you think you’re dull and boring. Let me love you while you’re fixing what you think is broken deep within you. Let me love you not just on your good days, but on your bad days as well. Let me do it despite anything you’re going through right now. I don’t want to love you just at your best, I want to do it even if you’re at your worst.

I am not asking for much, all I am asking for is to let me love you just as you are — without it making sense or logic.

 Let me do it without thinking too much about it.

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